
Swedish Crime Novels

We are the realitybased publishingcompany

We started this publishing firm as novices in Tjörn in July 2006 and we learn something new every day. It is both fun and hard work and we do not regret one second.

So far, the books we have published have been based on reality and more on the way . Now the company is based in Gothenburg and our heart beats for the  Swedish West Coast. We welcome you to the company website. Here you can find the company’s books , dealers, employees , authors, contact information , press photos and more.

Ramona Franssons audiobooks are read by Reine Brynolfsson

This is our publishing in different language. English and German. ( Deutsch). E-Books and audiobooks.

Precious love English eBook

Gothenburg, Sweden

During a break-in at the luxurious home of Kenneth and Viola Svalborg, someone has neatly sliced valuable paintings from their frames. Also missing is the neighbors beautiful 15 year old daughter, Elina Gullberg, who was babysitting for the Svalborgs two sons. Did she follow the thieves of her own accord? Was she involved with the break-in? Her parents, Daniel and Miriam Gullberg, are sick with worry. Chief Inspector Greger Thulin is called in and senses tension between the two families.

Murder in Skarhamn English eBook

On the west coast of Sweden, in Skärhamn on Tjörn, Chief Inspector Greger Thulin thinks he lives at an idyllic spot. But even the most beautiful painting can have a faulty stroke of the brush. Hiding behind the walls of Bleket School, are bullying and drug addicted students. Homeroom teacher, Jonas Blomgren, lives on Rönnvägen.  Amanda Durén and Belinda Wallin are pupils in his class.

Amanda wears designer clothes, spreads money around and lives in a mansion, while Belinda’s family is grateful if there’s enough money to cover their basic needs. Belinda’s mother, Margit Wallin, has a bad feeling about her daughter’s teacher. Could he be following Belinda, and if so, why?

Lethal games English eBook

Arne Hildeng is found dead on his luxury Storebro yacht docked at the harbor in Skärhamn. Also on board is Andrea, his wife. Did she murder her husband? Or could the murderer be someone else in the Hildeng family? And Chief Inspector Greger Thulin didn’t expect to see yet another Storebro dock at the wharf. Arne Hildeng’s brother Jon and his wife Mette climb out of that boat, and Inspector Katarina Linde notices that Mette tries to keep her face hidden. But Katarina can see that the bruises are fresh.

At the same time, an explosion of violence is going on in Gothenburg’s underworld.

Mord in Skärhamn Deutsch E-Buch

Die junge Belinda trifft auf ein Schreckensszenario, als sie zu ihrem Haus auf dem Lyckebacken in Skärhamn kommt. Polizeiautos mit eingeschalteten Blaulichtern und ein Krankenwagen erwarten sie. Das Haus ist von Polizisten umstellt. Der leitende Ermittler Greger Thulin weiß nicht, wie er mit dem hysterischen Mädchen umgehen soll. Er erzählt ihr, was geschehen ist. In der Küche sitzt Belindas grün und blau geschlagene Mutter und weint. Unterhalb der Treppe zum Haus liegt ein toter Mann – erschossen. Belinda ist nicht erwünscht bei der Clique der Klassenkameraden in der Bleketskolan, aber dank ihrer besten Freundin Amanda und deren sozialer Stellung mit reichen Eltern wird ihr Schutz vor ihren Mobbern zuteil.

Precious Love English audiobook

Gothenburg, Sweden

During a break-in at the luxurious home of Kenneth and Viola Svalborg, someone has neatly sliced valuable paintings from their frames. Also missing is the neighbors beautiful 15 year old daughter, Elina Gullberg, who was babysitting for the Svalborgs two sons. Did she follow the thieves of her own accord? Was she involved with the break-in? Her parents, Daniel and Miriam Gullberg, are sick with worry. Chief Inspector Greger Thulin is called in and senses tension between the two families.

Read by Judith Bourque

Murder in Skarhamn English audiobook

On the west coast of Sweden, in Skärhamn on Tjörn, Chief Inspector Greger Thulin thinks he lives at an idyllic spot. But even the most beautiful painting can have a faulty stroke of the brush. Hiding behind the walls of Bleket School, are bullying and drug addicted students. Homeroom teacher, Jonas Blomgren, lives on Rönnvägen.  Amanda Durén and Belinda Wallin are pupils in his class.

Amanda wears designer clothes, spreads money around and lives in a mansion, while Belinda’s family is grateful if there’s enough money to cover their basic needs. Belinda’s mother, Margit Wallin, has a bad feeling about her daughter’s teacher. Could he be following Belinda, and if so, why?

Read by Judith Bourque

Lethal Games English audiobook

Arne Hildeng is found dead on his luxury Storebro yacht docked at the harbor in Skärhamn. Also on board is Andrea, his wife. Did she murder her husband? Or could the murderer be someone else in the Hildeng family? And Chief Inspector Greger Thulin didn’t expect to see yet another Storebro dock at the wharf. Arne Hildeng’s brother Jon and his wife Mette climb out of that boat, and Inspector Katarina Linde notices that Mette tries to keep her face hidden. But Katarina can see that the bruises are fresh.

Read by Judith Bourque

Moore eBooks, audiobooks are on it´s way

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